
Showing posts from July, 2023

Retrograssion Planets in Astrology: Vedic Perspectives and Effects

 Introduction In the fascinating world of astrology, the movements of celestial bodies play a significant role in shaping human destinies. One of the most intriguing phenomena is the concept of "retrograde planets." When a planet appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth, astrologers refer to it as retrograde. In this article, we will explore the implications of retrograde planets and their effects in both Western and Vedic astrology. What is Retrogradation in Astrology? In astrology, the apparent backward motion of a planet is known as retrogradation. It occurs when Earth's orbit intersects with the orbit of another planet, causing the latter to appear to move in reverse temporarily. While the retrograde motion is only an optical illusion, astrologers believe it holds great significance in influencing human behavior, emotions, and life events. Retrograde Planets in Western Astrology In Western astrology, the retrograde periods of Mercury, Venus,...

Original Knowledge of Nakshatra as Taught by Rishis of Vedic Astrology.

Welcome to the mystical world of astrology, where ancient wisdom meets celestial artistry! We are thrilled to introduce our upcoming astrology course, "Nakshatra Mandala - Original Knowledge of Nakshatra as Taught by Rishis of Vedic Astrology." Course Overview: The Nakshatra Mandala course delves deep into the fascinating realm of Nakshatras, the 27 lunar constellations that have captivated the minds of seers and sages for millennia. Rooted in the profound teachings of Vedic Astrology , this course promises an enlightening journey through the esoteric knowledge passed down from the wise Rishis of ancient India. Discover the Nakshatras: During the course, you will unlock the secrets of each Nakshatra, exploring their unique attributes, energies, and cosmic significance. These celestial bodies have long been regarded as the guiding stars that influence our lives, behaviors, and destinies. Understanding their profound impact can provide profound insights into our inner selves an...