Discover the Vedic Astrology's Power of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
The three planets that are the furthest from the sun are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and they were only relatively recently found.
As a result, they are not mentioned in the early Vedic writings, and in Vedic astrology, they have no rulership or karakatva.
However, some contemporary astrologers are beginning to use a neo-Vedic approach to analyze and predict the positions of these planets.
A neo-Vedic approach is one that utilizes contemporary theories and methods to understand Vedic astrology.
It enriches and expands upon the traditional Vedic astrological ideas rather than rejecting or contradicting them. Neo-Vedic philosophy acknowledges the importance of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in our lives, particularly in this time of fast change and development.
The three gunas, or impulses, of Vedic, thought — rajas, sattva, and tamas — are frequently correlated with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Rajas is the drive behind everything: motion, action, and creation.
The instinct for balance, harmony, and preservation is known as sattva. Tamas is the impulse for change, annihilation, and rebirth. Everything in the universe is driven by these three impulses, which also control the cycles of life.

Rajas inhabit the planet Uranus. It stands for individuality, creativity, and independence. Uranus is the power behind the creation of new patterns and structures. Uranus pushes us to recognize our actual identity and purpose. Technology, science, inventiveness, and revolution are all under Uranus’ control.
The planet of Sattva is Neptune. It stands for transcendence, compassion, spirituality, and intuition. The influence of Neptune is what links us to the higher planes of existence and motivates us to look for the absolute truth. Additionally, Neptune is the god of dreams, music, art, and mysticism.
The planet Tamas is Pluto It stands for change, strength, demise, and rebirth. Pluto is a force that annihilates things that are no longer useful or required in order to create something greater and new. Pluto also rules rebirth, occultism, psychology, and secrets.
Both domestically and internationally, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have an impact on events. They have the power to precipitate significant societal and conscious upheavals. They may also shed light on our own hidden qualities.
You need to look at Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto’s positions in your birth chart, as well as their transits through the signs and houses, to understand how they impact your life.
You should also take into account their conjunctions with Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets that serve as conduits for their energies, as well as their aspects to other planets.
Check out the book by Saptarishis Astrology to learn more about Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in Vedic astrology. It offers neo-Vedic insights into the mysteries surrounding these planets.
You will learn how the planetary influences of Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus can promote originality, intuition, and change in your life.
Additionally, you’ll discover how to employ these planets in your astrological practice for prophecy, direction, and empowerment.
Don’t pass up this chance to read this book and learn more about the wonders of the universe. Order right away to receive a special discount!
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